
Inthefollowing,anevaluationofpublicationswhichciteornameSUMOisgiven.Differentaspectsareshown,suchasthedevelopmentofthepublications ...,EclipseSUMOisanopensource,highlyportable,microscopicandcontinuoustrafficsimulationpackagedesignedtohandlelargenetworks.,EclipseSUMOisafreeandopensourcetrafficsimulationsuite.Itisavailablesince2001andallowsmodellingofintermodaltrafficsystems-including ...,2023年...

(PDF) Summary on Publications citing SUMO, 2002

In the following, an evaluation of publications which cite or name SUMO is given. Different aspects are shown, such as the development of the publications ...

CITATION.cff - eclipse

Eclipse SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks.

Eclipse SUMO

Eclipse SUMO is a free and open source traffic simulation suite. It is available since 2001 and allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems - including ...

Managing Publications

2023年11月10日 — sumo: All that cite SUMO; in fact, there are some other references in the bibtex-file, for example in case of reports on projects where SUMO ...

Microscopic Traffic Simulation using SUMO

由 PA Lopez 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 2676 次 — This article presents the latest developments concerning intermodal traffic solutions, simulator coupling and model development and validation on the example of ...


2024年1月8日 — When citing SUMO in general please use our current reference publication: Microscopic Traffic Simulation using SUMO; Pablo Alvarez Lopez, ...


Sumo is a Python toolkit for plotting and analysis of ab initio solid-state calculation data, built on existing Python packages from the solid-state ...

SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) - an open

675 Citations ; The Simulation of Urban MObility package: An open source traffic simulation · Daniel KrajzewiczM. Hartinger +4 authors. P. Wagner ; An Example ...

The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO)

2023年12月18日 — SUMO is the only formal ontology that has been mapped to all of the WordNet lexicon. SUMO is written in the SUO-KIF language. SUMO is free and ...

[2304.05982] Traffic Modeling with SUMO

由 DA Guastella 著作 · 2023 · 被引用 1 次 — Abstract:This paper presents a step-by-step guide to generating and simulating a traffic scenario using the open-source simulation tool SUMO.